Our Custom Pricing Model

Each business has very different needs, and our software solutions are highly customised to meet those needs. Thus our prices are carefully and thoughtfully tailored to each individual business.

One of our core values is that we are fair with pricing and do not quote ridiculous fees because we can. We undercut market rates most of the time to offer the best value for money, and plan our costs strategically.

We have different pricing models from ‘fixed fees’ to ‘time & materials’, based on the project development method we agree upon, and are generally flexible to accommodate various business’ preferences, where it is practical to do so.

We aim to be transparent with our pricing and ensure that businesses understand our pricing in depth.

We also try to be flexible and reasonable when it comes to creating an invoicing schedule, that aligns with both our client’s and our cash flow requirements to deliver the project.

Please book in a free initial consultation, if you would like us to work with you to understand your requirements in more depth and develop a quotation.

Book a free 30-minute consultation

Bespoke pricing calculator

To get a rough indication of typical costing brackets, have a play with our bespoke pricing calculator by answering the following questionnaire.

[’Bespoke pricing calculator’ under development - please check again at a later date, and book in a free consultation with us.]

(Please note that this is just intended as a rough indication, but may not accurately reflect the reality. Please consult with us for a real quotation).

Special Packages and Offers

1 week - Discovery Package - £1500 (on offer)

1 week - UI/UX Design Package - £1800 (on offer)

1 week - Backend Design Package - £3200 (on offer)