In software development, backend design involves structuring the server-side components that handle data processing, storage, and business logic, ensuring the software is robust, scalable, and secure. Effective backend design is crucial for maintaining performance, reliability, and the seamless operation of the application. For businesses, investing in strong backend design is essential because it supports the application's functionality, ensures data integrity, and allows for future growth, directly impacting the overall stability and success of the software product.

Who is it for

This package is most effective after having committed some initial discovery time with us, either through the “1 week discovery package” we offer, or a customised discovery package tailored to your requirements (which may be shorter or longer in length).

How it works

Design week:


The cost for this package is currently on offer at £3600 + VAT.


If you would like to book this package please send an email request to

[email protected]

with the subject “1 Week Backend Design Package”, and provide the following details: